
Saturday, December 30, 2017

Hey New Year, it's still Christmas, you know

As Christmas winds itself up to its sixth day crescendo, I scan the horizon of the new year coming. Christmas is falling now towards Twelfth Night. It's only the middle of Christmas, but the Gregorian calendar is forcing me to stop and consider new beginnings even before the old things are stored away. 

There are fairs to prepare for, local shops to fill, and an art show looming. The online shops - yes, there are two of them - are being cleaned out, reorganized, and stocked. 

And the goodies - oh! the goodies I find at flea markets and antique shops. Yesterday's discovery was a laundry line of doll clothes that will become art projects. Washed and ironed, the task now is the discover the stories within them and stitch these into the fabric of their past.

Who doesn't love a simple palette like these little treasures? And longjohns for dolls? Does it need a little bum flap made from vintage feedsack? 

And then there's this little plaid dress. Did you notice the two different edgings on the collar? And then there's the hand stitched button holes. These leave me breathless in their beauty.

Are you ready? Have you put Christmas away in favor of resolutions and new planners? Don't give it all up yet. It's still Christmas, you know. There are still gifts in the present tense.

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