
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Christmas Embroidery School - Lesson Three

Let's continue moving up the ornament with four more stitches.

Woven Stars

Let me explain that I was actually going to make couched circles so I drew little circles and stars within. But I didn't like the way they looked so I switched to woven stars. 

Ignore the drawings and draw or eyeball 7 radiating spokes of each circle. Use 4 strands of floss.

Bring the needle back up between two spokes at the inner ends and loop the thread under one spoke.

Then weave under two spokes and pull through, wrapping the floss around the first spoke.

Continue to weave under two and pull through to wrap one spoke at a time.

Circle the spokes about 4 times or more, depending on the length of the spokes.

At the last one, just insert the needle at the other side of the last spoke and tie off on the back.

Coral Stitch 

Use 4 strands of floss. Bring the needle up from the back at the end of one pattern line. Catch a small amount of fabric with the needle with the floss looped as shown - over then under. Pull it through to form a knot.

 Take another bit of fabric a little away from the knot and repeat.

To make the second row, simply repeat the process on the lower line moving back the way you came. Alternate the knots.

Straight Stitch

Straightforward straight stitch. I started each stitch just a thread above the pattern line. Make each stitch one at a time.

Zig Zag Chain Stitch

Use 4 strands. Draw or eyeball a zig-zag line across the area. This stitch is made the same as chain stitch, but I inserted my needle on both sides of the loop end of the chain to hold it down better because the stitches were larger.

At the very end, secure the stitch with a small tacking stitch.

 See you tomorrow!

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