
Monday, August 1, 2016

The New Stitch Library

Embroidery School continues to be a very popular program here on the blog and it warms my heart that so many people are enjoying it.

You have written me such lovely feedback about the samplers and the ease of the lessons. Thank you for letting me know it has been fun and helpful to you.

The page tab up above - Embroidery School - will take you to an introduction and all the lesson links as well as extra links for new stitches and skills.

But yesterday I added a new page tab - Stitch Library.  Click on that and it lists the links by stitch name and skill name. 

I'm big on cross-referencing, can you tell?

There have been a few requests for a Facebook group for participants of Embroidery School. If there is enough interest, I'd be happy to start one. I'll mention this in my newsletter today so write back and let me know if you would want to join a private Embroidery School group on Facebook.

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