
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Advent-ure 2015: Paper Snowflakes Tutorial

When I was a kid, a snow day meant no school. But beyond that, it meant every kid was sent outside to play. We were bundled up, sent out, and were expected to play until called in for hot chocolate in the late afternoon.

We'd build forts and have snowball fights, make snowmen, and go sledding. After a warming bath and some dinner, we could barely move for the lovely sleepies that would overtake us. It was a winter wonderland.

Nowadays I don't see snow that often, what with living on the California coast for 6 years, then the desert of Arizona for 10, and now sub-tropical Australia. I was super fortunate to land in wake up in Katoomba a few months ago to the quiet of a snow covered world that lasted almost the whole day. 

I was so happy, I cried. 

I still have a page from the 1984 December Family Circle magazine with a paper snowflake pattern. I've made them year after year. A couple of years ago, I collected up all the patterns I'd tried over the years and drew them up as an illustrated guide to making 20 paper snowflakes.

Here they are all together in this downloadable PDF.

Even if you live in a sunny summer location, you can enjoy a white Christmas with these snowflakes. Or maybe a colorful one, depending on the paper you use.

Merry Christmas! Let it snow! 


  1. Oh my gosh! I don't know how I always forget to make paper snowflakes with my kids, but I do! Thank you for reminding me to do it and for the file! So many pretty cuttings ideas! I can't wait to try them out with my kiddos! :) Lisa

    1. It's so easy to forget to make the simplest of joyous crafts as we yearn to try new things. It's a bit like stringing popcorn. Who sits together long enough to do that anymore? Uh oh. Now I'm hungry for popcorn. :-)

    2. Believe it or not, I've never strung popcorn in my life! Perhaps I need to start! :)

  2. How wonderful --- I am going to try some of these patterns this week. For all season decor and banners across my bookcases! Thank you

    1. What a lovely thought! I have seen these strung together and used as window "shades" in winter but I always thought they would look very lovely and lacy year-round.
